Sitemap - 2021 - Outside the Walls
The short, easy road to mediocrity
Courtesy, Power, Love and Aspiration.
Where do Communities come from?
The Responsibility of Noticing
Reflections 28th November - a day late.......
Addressing the Problem Problem.
Weekly Reflections, 21 November.
Finding the right conversation
The right tools for the job....
When the vending machine runs out.
What happens when "Science" gets lost?
Climate Change is not the Problem
Hierarchies and Networks - friends, foes, allies?
What if you could only win once?
In search of the imperfect answer
The Pandemic? - 'Tis but a scratch...
Take time to play with the dog...
Chief Executive or Chief Emissary?
Do less, do more, do different
Gated Communities are Dangerous.
Have be become addicted to "simpler"?
Standing under our own Bridges.
Is scale all it's cracked up to be?
Business. We need more than a repair shop.
When things are not what they seem.
Putting people back in the picture.
What if businesses behaved more like farmers?
Farewell, "Employee Engagement"?
If you want good leaders, learn to follow.
Trees don't do growth plans. Neither should we.
The price we pay for efficiency.
A time for owners, not Franchisees
We get a poor view with our noses to the grindstone.
Being careful what we sign up to.
Forget peer groups, think friends
Avoid the "domesticated middle"
How many customers does an artisan have?
From critical thinking to critical imagination
Agility - Narrow and Deep, or Shallow and Wide?
Domesticating ideas is dangerous...
Owners, Players, Spectators...
But where do stories come from?
The lessons of mental arithmetic....
Who taught Shakespeare to write?
The Black Swan, the Grey Rhino and the Pink Elephant.
Choosing our problems with care.
When does "emergent" become "today?
Leading is a sacrifice, Following is a choice
Who, and what, are you loyal to when the pressure is on?
Maintain, Refurbish, Repair, Replace?
The art of artisinal observation
Professionals, Artisans and Language.
Alchemy, Artisans, Relationships, Creativity and Change.
Dancing on Stage. Artisanal Relationships
Taking the Stage as things change around us.
Opening the Curtain on a Different Act....
Questioning our way into the Future
Business and Stockholm Syndrome
The power of the conversation network
"Ready Meal" Leadership and Management.
It's a long way from learning to doing.
The Productivity of Inefficiency
Is Leadership a Skill or a Trait?
The shadow side of our creativity.
What creates value in our lives?
Books, Blogs and Strange Attractors
The limitations of text books?
Don’t wait for the Muse to just turn up
Larry Culler - 2021-01-26 23:11:20
Artisans, Entrepreneurs and the call of the Wild...
Where does business nutrition come from?
Jean Marie DiGiovanna - 2021-01-24 14:31:12
Artisans, Professionals and Risk Management
If you want security, become unemployable.
The Increasing Fragility of Professionals
Artisans. Making work Manifest.
Boundaries. The Artisan’s Secret Weapon.
Artisans, Administrators and Attitudes to Risk.
Time to end negative leadership.
The downside of "Professional"
Artisans - the rise of the hybrid employee?
Owning our identity, not delegating it.
2019 - Restore / Repair / Recycle / Reinvent?