Sitemap - 2021 - Outside the Walls

The Thin Ice of Scale

A Boxing Day Reflection

On the Threshold

Reflections on 2021

The short, easy road to mediocrity

The Shadow Side of Optimism

Reflections 12th December

Feeling for the "Click"

Courtesy, Power, Love and Aspiration.

Reflections, 5th December.

Where do Communities come from?

The Responsibility of Noticing

Positive Disengagement

Reflections 28th November - a day late.......

Addressing the Problem Problem.

The Problem Problem


Weekly Reflections, 21 November.

Disturbing Conversations

Custom Styles

The Leadership Deficit

The Dry Line

Reflections 14th November

Welcoming Disturbance

Non Fungible Work.

Personal Geometry

Reflections, 7th November.

Business model religion

Stimulus / Response Gap

The Other Side of Confusion

Strip Mining Talent

Re-Wilding the Organisation

Reflections 31st October

The gates are open.

Finding the right conversation


The right tools for the job....

The nature of connection

Reflections 23rd October.

A turning of the tide.

Making space for wisdom

What happens to wonky ideas?

Money Puddles

Reflections 17th October

Refracting Ideas

When the vending machine runs out.

What happens when "Science" gets lost?

The beauty of constraints

Going Bonsai

Reflections 10th October

Climate Change is not the Problem

Weathering the storm.

The Power of Decay


Reflections 3rd October




The Big Small

The Recipe Challenge

Reflections 26th September

What do you sell?

Hierarchies and Networks - friends, foes, allies?

Senescence for Hierarchies


When Agile becomes Fragile

Reflections 19th September

Making Connections

Weaving our own Webs.

Radical Hybrid Working

Village 3.0?


Reflections 12th September


The Boundaries of Inclusion

Tired Templates

Orphaned Knowledge

Oscillating Networks

The Oscillating Narrative

Reflections 5 September

What won't change?

An image of the future

Containers under Pressure

Straws in the Wind

What if you could only win once?

Recruitment as Paralysis

Reflections, 29 August.

Calling the Island to you

Other people's hoops.

Patterns on the Horizon

Where does News go?

Under Pressure

Reflections 22 August.

Travel addiction.

Time for the Hedgewitch

Sunrise vs Sunset Strategy

Curation vs. Creation

We are what we measure

Weekly Reflections 15 August

Coming home to ourselves

Holding Tension

Deadly Margins

It's Systemic, Stupid.

Coming Home to Roost?

Our final written warning?

Weekly Reflections. 8 August

Time for the Understorey


Batting for Entropy...

In search of the imperfect answer

Choosing Leaders

Resilience is a capital item.

Reflections 1 August

Performance at what price?

Conserving Potential

A Time for Scaffolders

Ten people

An Illusion of Control

Making haste slowly.

Reflections 25th July

Tired of Maybe.

No time for sensemaking..

The Pandemic? - 'Tis but a scratch...

Take time to play with the dog...

Reflections 18 July

A Time for Windhorse

Chief Executive or Chief Emissary?

Dangerous Conversations


Setting our own boundaries.

Reflections 11 July

Measuring the wrong things

The Signature Dish

Do less, do more, do different

Gated Communities are Dangerous.

The Fragile Office

The myopia of "Winning"

Mind the Gap

Reflections 4 July

Have be become addicted to "simpler"?

Creative Repair

The Art of Noticing

The right sort of trouble...

The Power of Lying Fallow

Standing under our own Bridges.

Reflections 27th June

Is scale all it's cracked up to be?

Business. We need more than a repair shop.

What lies hidden?

The large room problem

Where do stories come from?

Reflections 20th June

The signals we send

The Dream


Cracks and Wrinkles

When things are not what they seem.

Froth is Dangerous.

Reflections 13th June

Putting people back in the picture.

What is your Stance?

What if businesses behaved more like farmers?

Ideas as Currency

A Matter of Perspective

Working from home...

Reflections 6 June

A time for "slow looking"

Farewell, "Employee Engagement"?


Sunrise Marketing

Change doesn't do reverse.

Reclaiming our autonomy.

Reflections 30th May


Perilous Waters

Navigating the Future

The nature of influence

If you want good leaders, learn to follow.

Where is home, exactly?

Reflections 23 May

A Time for Heretics


Check the Label

Trees don't do growth plans. Neither should we.

The price we pay for efficiency.

Dots, not dashes

Weekly Reflections 16th May

The Arrow of Time

The automation anaesthetic

Work - Portal vs. Place

Who will come with me?

The Difference

A time for owners, not Franchisees

Reflections 9 May

The Values Chain

Ideas do not belong in Zoos.

We get a poor view with our noses to the grindstone.



Being careful what we sign up to.

Reflections 2 May

Making haste slowly

As things begin to clear...

Forget peer groups, think friends

Thin Spaces


Avoid the "domesticated middle"

Reflections 25th April

How many customers does an artisan have?

The limits of scale.

The power of witnessing

From critical thinking to critical imagination

The Cuckoo Problem

Where do we belong?

Reflections 18th April

Where are the iconoclasts?

Agility - Narrow and Deep, or Shallow and Wide?

Domesticating ideas is dangerous...

Owners, Players, Spectators...

But where do stories come from?

The lessons of mental arithmetic....

Reflections 11th April

Ideas want to be free

Content versus Intent

Who taught Shakespeare to write?

The Mystery Package

The Black Swan, the Grey Rhino and the Pink Elephant.

Choosing our problems with care.

Reflections 4th April

When does "emergent" become "today?


The conversational "ping"

Leading is a sacrifice, Following is a choice

What makes for a great Cafe?

The Genre Challenge

Reflections 28th March

Who, and what, are you loyal to when the pressure is on?

The crucible and the content

Maintain, Refurbish, Repair, Replace?

The importance of connection

The art of artisinal observation

Seeing through the mist.

Reflections 21st March

The Importance of Wonder

Enough is plenty.

Choose a Spring mindset.

Let things flourish

Fractal, not Frayed


Reflections 14th March

And not But

Learning is not Understanding

An absence of wisdom

Mood Weather

Professionals, Artisans and Language.

Reflections 7 March

Alchemy, Artisans, Relationships, Creativity and Change.

Artisans and Creativity

Dancing on Stage. Artisanal Relationships

Taking the Stage as things change around us.

Opening the Curtain on a Different Act....

Reflections 28 February

Questioning our way into the Future

The Importance of Horizons

Business and Stockholm Syndrome

Celebrity is not Leadership

The power of the conversation network

"Ready Meal" Leadership and Management.

Reflections 21st February

Enabling vs. Allowing.

Coming out of a trance

It's a long way from learning to doing.

Dancing in the rain

The Productivity of Inefficiency

Doughnut Leadership

Reflections 14th February

Vision - Picture, or Jigsaw?

And what else?

Game on.

Is Leadership a Skill or a Trait?

Reflections 7 February

The shadow side of our creativity.

The Ideas “Multiplier Effect”

Games of two halves

Ingredients vs. Product

We can't start with scale

Running in the fog.

What creates value in our lives?

Reflections 31 January

Who do we want to be?

Books, Blogs and Strange Attractors

The limitations of text books?

Don’t wait for the Muse to just turn up

Larry Culler - 2021-01-26 23:11:20

Artisans, Entrepreneurs and the call of the Wild...

Where does business nutrition come from?

Jean Marie DiGiovanna - 2021-01-24 14:31:12

Reflections, 24 January

Artisans, Professionals and Risk Management

If you want security, become unemployable.

The Increasing Fragility of Professionals

Artisans. Local Heroes.

Artisans. Making work Manifest.

Boundaries. The Artisan’s Secret Weapon.

Preflections, 17th January

End of the Line?

The raw material of change

The Volvo Effect

Artisans, Administrators and Attitudes to Risk.

Time to end negative leadership.

The downside of "Professional"

Preflections 10 January

Artisans - the rise of the hybrid employee?

Creating, or Showering?

Owning our identity, not delegating it.

2019 - Restore / Repair / Recycle / Reinvent?

No more Busking.

Stuff that Matters

Preflections , 3 January

Artisans and the myth of the future fit organisation

Welcome to the year of the Artisan.